tuesday :)

today we frst ok up of course.
then we went to school and there
we tlked about the evaluations tht we got.
later on we had history were we had fun. :)
then we ate chucken and macaronies. yumyum!
after lunch we had swedish and french. okay.
and that was most of my day,
but later me and two of my friends went to a cafe.
when i came home i just changed clothes,
then i went to ''udden''  and had a fun riding lesson.
when that lesson was finished i went home and took a shower.
after that shower i ate some good food. really good.
and now i'm watchin' some tv. really fun.
but gotta go watch some more bibi. :) <3

monday :)

todays been okay,
hope it's been good for everyone else too.
first we had sience´kinda fun,
then swedish, also kinda fun, :)
after that we had lunch, i ate flat sausage X)
and some other food. !
later we had pe.
we had some ´training in spelefanten. nice name.
it was also okay, then we went back to school.
when pe was done for the day we had english.
there we didn't do that much but we did practice for the test.
andlast but no least we had 'eq' but only the girls.
there we talked a lot of things.
but gotta go now. bibi :) <3

sunday :)

hellu again,
today i havn't done anything exceting. (don't know the spellin')
but i've eatin' my very first christmas snacks.
very yummy, now it's the last night of holidays.
too bad, but that's the way it is!
i really wish that more people would look at my blog,
more often and comment. it would make my day. !
please................... :)
but gotta go now, bibi write more tomorrow. ! <3

saturday :)

hellu everyone,
todays been kinda weird.
my mom was mad all day,
me, and my sister baked a cake,
she got happy and yeah,
that's how it's been so far,
and now i'm watchin' teve. X)
gonna watch a movie soon.
hope everyone is havin' fun.
but now i gotta go.. :) <3

thursday night :)

hi, now i'm home from a dance place,
had a great night with my friends.
sorry i didn't blog yesterday, i kind of forgot.
anyways, yesterday i did some homework,
kind of boring. nevermind. :)
today i've cleaned a bit, sat on the computer.
and yeah yesterday i went to the movie this is it.
it was great, it makes you remember how much,
we all miss MJ. MJ in my heart forever. <3
and now i'm lyin' in my bed, like half a sleep. X)
but i better turn off the computer before the batteri die's.
so goddnight everyone how ever looks at my blogg.
have a great tomorrow. :) <3

guest blogger

Hi, I'm Elins best friend Zanna♥
Elin is the best friend someone can have! We've been friends for a long time, since kindergarden. Now we are going in the same school and class, so we are spending a lot of time together in and after school. She is the one I always can talk too, we can fight and get angry on each other, but we are always friends before the end of school♥, I love that she is so understanding and can listen on everything I've got to say, she even cries with me when I have to cry♥ 
Elin, I lov ya !♥

 I have a blog too, it's www.zzannawinblad.blogg.se give it a look. Just comment if something is wrong,

// elins best friend !♥ 


sunday :)

hi everyone,
today i feel much better than yesterday,
and i woke up at about 10:30 am,
and then i played guitar hero,
after that i ate breakfast and put on clothes.
then i started cleanin' the house,
kind off boring but had to so yeah,
then i started my computer,
and went on to facebook, and
later i made some questions for a game
that me and my friends are gonna play on tuesday,
when my friends are comin' for a sleep over,
lots of fun of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then i sat on the computer for a while,
after that  my friend called and we talked for a while.
and yeah now i'm writin' on the blogg.
so that's whats happend so far,
in the evening my cusins are comin' over to eat,
and hope that everyone are havin' fun!
bibi c ya all soon!!!!!!!! :) <3

saturday :)

i'm not feelin' too well so i'll not write any more today,
i'll write more about today tomorrow.  :) <3

friday :)

Hi, now i've just eaten some taco.
Very very jummy, like it much.
Today we first had french! X)
And after that we had swedish.
And then we work with our theme.
Then we had lunch and there we
all ate chiken with rice and some cream.
After lucnh we went to a mini store
called ML, there we bought gum.
And after we had math, and science.
Then we ended with p.e. around 15:45.
It was kind of a fun day! miss ya all!
will write more tomorrow.....  (: <3

hw XD

I HATE DOIN' MY HW.       


so this is me the blogger.

the blogger <3

hi everyone,

like my blog?  well, i lov the design for sure and the designer. :)
i'm gonna right here as often as i can, and put out pic's and videos.
ihope that it's gonna be a fun blogg to read.
and i also want as many coments on everything as i can get. :p
so i might as well write some stuff about myself.
my name is elin, and i live in sweden, i'm swedish not english.
but i've lived in china for about 4 years so i really like english.
i don't like brittish english, but i lov american english. so yeah.
i lov horses but don't have one myself but hope to have some day.
i also lov cats, hamsters, dogs, and more. i even like rats. X)
i've got one little sister named anna, an older brother named oscar,
a mom named marie, and one dad named anders.
and of course lot of friends. but i think thats all for today, so i guess
i'll get some coments some day, or at least hope so. :)
but now i gotta go. c ya soon. ! :) <3

test post

This is a test post, it's me (alida), how stands for the design. You should really follow my friend's blog :) I also have a blog: http://threesisterss.blogg.se/ /blog design machine :) <3

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